Wallin Help Center
Wallin ONE
- Com'è fatta un'Applicazione
- App: Social Slide/Wall/Mosaic
- App: Immagini
- App: Video
- App: Banner
- App: TripAdvisor
- App: Notizie
- App: Meteo
- App: Orologio
- App: Testo
- App: Pagina Web
- App: Google Slides/Calendar/Fogli
- App: Catalogo
- App: Eventi
- App: Invito all'azione
- App: YouTube
- App: Gestione Code
- App: MagicTemplate
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- BrightSign Player Installation
- Android Player Installation
- Installare WallSign su Display Philips con Android
- WallSign for PADS4
- Supported Devices, OS and Firmware
- Raspberry Player Installation
- Install WallSign on NEC Display with Raspberry
- Installare WallSign su Display NEC con Android
- Sony Bravia Player Installation
Content audio track
The audio track is available on the following main content categories: Media and Streams. For Media contents the audio track is managed for Video and YouTube, while for Stream contents the audio track is managed for YouTube live, Audio and HDMI.
The playback mode of the audio track defines how the audio is played: mixed, off or exclusive. Mixed is the default audio playback mode for all the above contents.
Play mode mixed means that the audio is playback together with any other playing audio.
Play mode off means that the audio is mute.
Exclusive playback mode means that the audio will be the only one playing while any other playing audio will be automatically muted. When the audio is finished, all muted audios will be unmuted
Do you need support?
Write an email to: support@wallin.tv or open a ticket here.