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User groups

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The group is a subset of users with their permissions who share players, resources and channels assigned to the group itself. This means that every member of a group can only manage shared items.

Only the account administrator can manage user groups. Once a group has been created with a name, the administrator can manage its members and assign players, resources and channels to it.

Here some usage examples:

  • The administator creates and setups some players that assign to a group: so its members can only watch the players but cannot delete or edit their settings.
  • The administator creates some channels, assign them to players but left to the group members the adding or removing of the resources from the channels.
  • The administrator can assign a resource to some groups to share it and the groups member’s can add it into their own channels but cannot delete it.
  • The administator can create a group of users which manage a store of a chain. This approach allows the administrator to deliver different resources for each store and assign different channels managed by the members itself.

Add or remove users to a group

Once the group has been created it is shown into the below table:

Press on the “Add user” action listed into the “Manage” dropdown, the adminstator can select the users to add to group. 

On adding users the administrator can import the Players, Channels and Resources that the selected users own. The imported elements will be assigned to the group and automatically shared to its members.

On removing users the administrator can import the Players, Channels and Resources that the selected users own. 

When a member of a group created a Player, Channels or Resources, it will be automatically shated with group members.

Add Players, Channels and Resources to a group

The “Manage” dropdown allows to add  Player, Channels or Resources to a group.
If the group has a reserved storage account the adding resources may failure: this happens when the required space of the selected resources is greater than the free reserve storage space.

Group storage quota

The administator can assign a storage quota to one more groups. When the quota is not set, the groups members shares the storage of the main account. When the quota is set, the groups members can only use the assigned storage space.

When the administrator assigns a storage quota to a group, the avail storage of his account is reduced of the assigned value. Even if the group uses a part of the reserved storage, it is considered as all reserved and cannot be used.

As shown above, for each group can be reserved a storage quota: every time a new value is set the avail storage is automatically updated.

A storage quota can also be set on a group with resources already assigned: in this case the minimum storage value is the space required by the resources.

Storage quota limitations

  • It is not possible to assign a quota to a group with resources already assigned that require more space than is available.
  • It is not possible to assign a quota to the groups that share one or more users.
  • It is not possible to assign a quota to a group with a member who does not share all of its resources.
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