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Sony Bravia Player Installation

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WallSign supports Zero Touch Provisioning by Sony that offers a smooth device configuration. The ZTP procedure installs the WallSign application automalically and configure the device at the same time. ZTP is supported from the models listed below and the firmware update may be required.


  • Model and firmware version: the required package version is 6.7283 or later. Here you can find the link to download the latest firmware:

  • Internet connection: the display must be connected to internet network through ethernet cable (Wi-fi is not supported by ZTP).
  • – Factory data reset: perform a factory reset of the display. At the next restart the display will show a Welcome message asking to select the language. Important: keep the display in this state, do not continue with the device configuration.
  • Serial number: get it from the back of the display or from the box.
  • – Ethernet network MAC address: get it from the back of the display or from the box.


  • – Login to WallSign, navigate to “Player/Activate”.
  • – Select “Sony Bravia” device
  • – Select “Serial Number” as activation mode option and insert it.
  • – Fill the required fileds and press save.
  • Now WallSign will setup the Sony display by ZTP: insert the MAC address, press “Register“.
  • – After few seconds a QR code will be displayed on your display. If it is not visible after some minutes, restart your screen using the remote controller power button.
  • – Insert the code displayed below the QR code and press “Next“.
  • – Wait until the display is ready: this will take some minutes. Do not clode the browser o change the page to get the installation result.
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