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WallSign player settings

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This section is an add-on to the common player settings and describes all the BrightSign player specific settings.

Social Messages

These settings allow to customize the Social Message content. This is a special content that is displayed automatically every a number of content. 

Graphics layout
Determines the social messages layout:

  • Single post
  • Social Wall
  • Social Mosaic

Single Post layout settings

Timeline duration
Determines how long each pages is displayed before to show the next content.

Display period
Determines the number of contents showns before the Social Messages content.

Sequence of
Determines how many Social Messages are displayed in sequence before to show the next content.

Background image
Set the image used as background of Social Messages. The images is scaled to the zone without maintaining the aspect ratio. In case of none images, a gradient blue background is used as default

Text color
Determines the foreground color used by text elements.

Show message date
Show the message date when it is available.

Show profile image
Show the user profile image when it is available.

Social Wall layout settings

These settings allow to customize the appearance of Social Wall that allows you to collect, curate and display content from multiple social media platforms.

Display period
Determines the number of contents showns before the Social Messages content.

Display duration
Determines how long the wall is displayed before to show the next content.

Determines the font used for the social message text.

Body background
Determines background color of the wall

Post background
Determines background color of the post

Determines the number of columns used to layout the posts

Message margin
Determines the margin between each message

Show message date
Show the message date when it is available.

Show profile image
Show the user profile image when it is available.

Show message author
Show the message author when it is available.

Show nessage image
Hide or show the post image

Social Mosaic layout settings

These settings allow to customize the appearance of Social Mosaic that allows you to collect, curate and display content from multiple social media platforms.

Display period
Determines the number of contents showns before the Social Messages content.

Columns and rows
Determines the number of columns and row used to layout the posts.

Block size
Determines the size of each mosaic element.

Table of Contents

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