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Serial source

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The Serial event specifies the action that occurs when the device receives input from the serial port.

Use this section to configure serial port communications:

  • Port: Select a serial port to configure. Most standard serial devices enumerate on port 0 (on the HO523, they will enumerate on port 1).
  • Baud rate: Set the baud rate for serial communications on the port.
  • Data bits: Set the number of data bits.
  • Parity: Set the parity.
  • Stop bits: Select the number of stop bits.
  • Protocol: Determine whether the serial data is formatted as Binary or ASCII.
  • Send EOL: Select the end-of-line character when sending data to a serial device.
  • Receive EOL. Select the end-of-line character when receiving data from a serial device.
  • Invert Signals: Check this box to invert the TX/RX signal levels on the serial port.
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